Notes on CARLO BRILLANTE (1931-2006)

Carlo Brillante

Born 2 October 1931

Died 18 November 2006

Prof. Carlo Brillante had been Qualified University Teacher in Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Microscopy in the University of Bologna; Associated Professor to the Chair of Endocrinology of the University of Bologna; Head Physician of the Laboratory of Clinical Pathology of the Orthopaedic Institute “Rizzoli” of Bologna; Teacher in the University of Chieti for the instruction to the postgraduate students in Geriatrics; Teacher in the University “Tincani” of  the Third Age in Bologna; Professor with contract in the ISEF of Verona.

Associate of the Centro Internazionale di Sindonologia, prof. Brillante had participated in the Second National Congress of Sindonology, held in Bologna from 27 to 29 November 1981, with the important paper The fibrinolysis in the genesis of the Shroud imprints, published in the proceedings of the congress (La Sindone, Scienza e Fede –  Atti del II Convegno Nazionale di Sindonologia – Bologna 1981 – CLUEB, Bologna 1983). The topic was proposed again in the paper, written together with Giulio Fanti and Emanuela Marinelli, Bloodstains characteristics to be considered in laboratory reconstruction of the Turin Shroud, presented in the Fourth Scientific International Symposium of CIELT (Centre International d'Etudes sur le Linceul de Turin), held in Paris from 25 to 26 April 2002. Interesting is also the paper Il sacro legno della Santa Croce (The Sacred Wood of the Holy Cross) published by prof. Brillante in the Graphical Salesian School of Bologna.